April 01, 2020

BBC Music Magazine reviews Haydn & Stamitz

“Colourful Haydn: Ana de la Vega adds a touch of brightness.”

”Haydn & Stamitz” performed by Ana de la Vega, Ramón Ortega Quero and the Trondheim Soloists has been reviewed on BBC Music Magazine – April 2020 Edition! Read a glimpse of the review below!

“The Lira Organizzata was a curious 18th-century Keyboard contraption combining a hand-cranked hurdy-gurdy with a rank of small organ pipes. […] King Ferdinand IV of Naples commissioned Haydn to supply a set of concertos for Lira duet and chamber orchestra. […] Haydn made sure that, given the less-than universal availability of Lira Organizzatas, the solo parts could be played by flute and oboe, as they are here with bright elegance by Ana de la Vega and Ramón Ortega Quero, with the crisp horns, strings and continuo of the Trondheim Soloists, led by Geir Inge Lotsberg.”

Bayan Northcott

Read the full review on BBC Music Magazine – April 2020 Issue

Photo by Terje Trobe