September 20, 2016

Jennifer Higdon on her release of Cold Mountain

Jennifer Higdon has been interviewed by Limelight Magazine on the release of her first opera, Cold Mountain. The Pulitzer price winner can look back on a very successful project. As she recalls, she would not have made any changes if she could do the project again: 

“I made some minor revisions during the Santa Fe rehearsals, but I tend not to look back at things… maybe because I have so many commissions that I must move along to the next piece. I’ve written 14 works since completing Cold Mountain, and all of those have had tight deadlines (10 have been premiered), so I try not to sit around and ponder the “what if’s””

Limelight Magazine also reviewed the album with the opera. According to the magazine, 

‘What Higdon’s score manages to do particularly well is ebb and flow with the drama. The score is almost cinematically conceived – not so much in its sound world, but in the way it mirrors the action onstage. Periods of high drama are echoed in tense, dissonant passages, and when the music relaxes, so too do the events taking place on the stage. The orchestra manages these musical shifts impeccably, under the confident direction of conductor Miguel Harth-Bedoya.”

Read the full interview here and the review of the album here.